Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Chef's Last Dance

Receiving an unsigned letter from an anonymous messenger, the chef began to think of the implications of the request. The letter asks the chef to develop a recipe for a lump sum for a woman with a special circumstance. The woman faced with cancer and on her death bed, wanted to taste "life" in the form of food. An absurd request the chef thought. It even gets weirder. No more recipes must be written or conveyed after this one. How can anyone fathom such thought. To kill ones passion to hand it over to the angel of death. Is it the money or is the most important chance to create life in the form of food. What amount of passion and creativity and heart must one have to instill life after life.

The chef goes to the kitchen, the source of life, and begins to assemble his ideas and thoughts. Only the loathing for life can make such recipe work. Once must be on the death bed to envision life. The idea of writing the last recipes was death itself. To lose passion in one day only to give it in goodness.

The chef plays Mozart's Requiem and writes his final recipe after hours and puts in a sealed envelope. For every death there is life.