The Charm of Morrocan Cuisine

Tagine served next to a mountain river near Marrakech. (photo by Equalizer)
Well its been several months since my last trip to Morroco. Everything appeals to the senses. The aroma of the food coming from the endless stalls and restaurants dotting every street and public square to historic mud walls and buildings to the exotic antique shopping. Let alone the amazing range of glamourous boutique hotels or riads as they call them. I would love to write a travelogue, but then we are here to talk about food and restaurants. I will however write about the place of the cuisine every now and then. I have always been wondering, why is north African cuisine not widely accepted in Kuwait and the Gulf? I never got to a concrete answer except that its because we dont have a big population of north Africans in the Gulf.
Well I was thinking about that!, maybe in the lines of Momo of London. Been there? Anyways, restaurants is my business and I would love to do it, problem is we have a primitive society with primitive taste buds. :p
Yeah I totally agree Momo's food is mediocre. Actually the best Morrocan food that I had was not in Morroco, but in a small restaurant tucked away in a quite neighborhood in Spain ;p Nothing better than a prune tagine, along with couscous royal, pigeon pastilla and mint tea. Well my dear customers, I suggest we try it out first and see what people think before I can venture into this :p Anyone know where I can find Harrisa (north african chili paste) or Ras El Hanout (morrocan spice mix) oh and clay earthenware.
Salty nice tip. So how do I get there? Fahaheel expressway? Like the second exit after Mishref? :p
Mmmm thats seems to be a sweet deal! Im always up for such thing ;)
Well, my dinner is always mood based ;p but i think im into pasta mood. But since we are in the morrocan post I think I might do a pasta with a morrocan theme. Mmmmm what can i do? I think i can do something with the pastilla theme....maybe fetuccini with shredded chicken, roasted pine nuts, cinnamon powder, icing sugar, black pepper and salt. That is to be made wet by having a sauce on the side. I'm thinking a spicy harrissa broth with caramelized onions, raisins and toasted cumin, and saffron. I would add a bit of dry rose petals ;p
LOL well ok no problem, but there is a catch :p You gotta help me write a recipe book :p Then you will get to taste everything I know and new stuff! Deal?
Sure you can stir and mix, and chop and clean up and serve. NO PROBLEM ;p
Mmmmmm OK but just this time and just for you! Make sure you dont tell anyone about it :p
Shewadeek Morroco!?
Oh Marrakech, thats okay then. (just read post :p)
Oh i was talking to an ex-owner of a Morrocan rest & i asked him why he closed his rest cuz it was YUMMIE, he said it was difficult to manage the Morrocan staff, and according to him many people who tried failed to continue with their Morrcocan rest business because of the same reason.
Sheba well I never heard of such problems with Morrocan restaurants, but I realy like the family run restaurants. The best Morrocan in my opinion was in a quiet street in Fuengirola, Spain. I never had such good food in Marrakech :)
A morrocan restaurant would for sure work in Kuwait since it is closer to Kuwaiti cuisine than any of the other non-arab cuisines present in Kuwait.
Yeah and the best places were I had morrocan food was in Spain and Ireland as well :)
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